Johannesburg: 011 873 3255  |  Pretoria: 012 653 1136  |  Cape Town: 021 704 1802  |  East London: 043 722 8796  |  Durban: 031 579 4750  |  George: 044 020 0120


Sheerline as a stockist

Sheerline Aluminium Systems specialises in the design and distribution of carefully engineered window, door, shopfront and curtain walling systems, all fully supported by an extensive range of quality hardware components and technical support.

Our key objective is to become the leading distributor of window, door, shopfront and curtain walling systems to fabricators in Africa and to continually strive to offer an efficient and reliable "one stop shop" experience for aluminium related products and supplementary glass and hardware items.

We seek to continually "embrace aluminium" as a material and to persistently pursue supplementary applications for this material in all industries.

We continually strive to provide the very best of quality, service and "sound technical support" and to provide innovative products that meet and exceed our customer's expectations.

At Sheerline, "quality is an attitude" which blends the dedicated skill of teamwork with the inherent desire to engineer solutions and provide the customer with the very best of "fit-to-purpose" products.

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